The next CAB meeting will be held at December 4, 2024 at 15:00 CET. If you would like to be invited for this meeting, or if you would like to add a topic to the agenda, please reach out to us through available channels.
Welcome + introduce new participants
Update on the implementation of RFCs on the RFC board
Preview of release 2.1
Advice on the implementation of RFCs
Input/review required
Advice on newly incoming RFCs
Add CRUD operations to Parties endpoint https://gitlab.com/ishare-foundation/cab/rfc/-/issues/30
RFC prioritisation: discuss priority on the RFC board
Wrap up and outlook to next quarter
Meeting results
The slides used are available here.
The upcoming 2.1 release was extensively discussed and demoed. The anticipated impact is mostly in RFC031, which is about introducing identifiers. CAB requests to explain in more detail how backwards compatibility is designed, particularly on RFC031.
No RFCs were discussed. More impact analyses are expected to be prepared for approval for the next CAB session.
No RFCs were discussed.
CAB advises positively on the RFC about CRUD operations on the Parties endpoint. A deep dive session will be organised on the topic to start gathering requirements.
RFC priority was discussed, no changes were made. RFC on CRUD operations has a high priority.
The development of the reference onboarding portal was shown as a preview. Everyone is invited to the next CAB, which will be held in the ishare office on March 5, 2025!
Last updated