
Background and rationale

With RFC028 iSHARE has move to a federated model. This has led to changes in terminology being used for roles throughout the iSHARE Trust Framework and other iSHARE documentation or assets. Additionally, other initiatives like GAIA-X and IDSA and new regulations like the Data Governance Act have come up that have introduced terminology as well.

Proposed change


This RFC aims to bring clearance to the terminology used for roles in iSHARE and provide clarity in aligning the terminology with other initiatives and regulations. It proposes the renaming of one iSHARE role and proposes changes to align and clarify documentation.

Description and principles

The roles will be named as follows.

Adhering roles

Certified roles

Other roles

Impact on the ecosystem

The RFC does not impact the current ecosystem functionally or technically.

Impact iSHARE Foundation (Scheme Owner)

iSHARE Foundation will review all current assets and work on consistent use of roles as defined in this RFC.


Release schedule

The expected implementation time is around 4-6 weeks after deciding on the implementation of this RFC.


The implementation of this RFC will be actively communicated with the community.

Last updated